Thursday, May 6, 2010

Non-scale victories

Well, since the scale hasn't been cooperating lately, I've decided to focus on some non-scale victories (Princess Pollyanna returns!) I started a few days ago with the notion that I wanted to follow an 8 week program offered by WW for getting you jogging 20 minutes in 8 weeks. Here's what I learned so far: I couldn't even do the first workout, LOL! They wanted 5 minutes walking with 1 minute jogging times 4. So, here's the victory--instead of getting discouraged and skulking back to the couch in shame, I've continued working toward doing the first week's workout! Every day this week I've walked and done a little jogging on the treadmill. Last night I got up to three minutes of jogging interspersed with about 15 minutes of walking. So I'm working up to the starting point of that program. I'm pretty happy with my level of sweatiness after the workout, so I know I'm doing something. I also like the idea of being able to run--seems like it would be so liberating.

I'm also sticking with the journaling and eating properly even though I'm seeing no cooperation on the scale. I have to laugh when I talk to other people about weight assistant at work is discouraged because, after losing 5 pounds in her first week, she's not seeing any scale movement in the next few days after her initial weigh-in. She's ready to quit and go back to eating cheesecake all weekend. I'd hate to tell her that I've only lost about 15 pounds in almost a year. She's probably be mortified. Anyhow, I'm going to keep at it, trying new things, working on getting that stubborn weight off my body.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! You have such a great attitude! I keep starting and restarting the couch to 5k program because I'm discouraged that I can't run fast at all. (My 5k time is insane). Keep up the good work and you'll be runnin' in no time!
