Sunday, September 19, 2010

Honestly, not focusing

I'm not doing too well lately on the weight loss front. Frankly, I'm just not focused on it. What I've discovered is that I'm not necessarily eating for emotional reasons--I'm just distracted and eating mindlessly. Unfortunately, I have lousy eating habits, so if I'm not focused, I slip back into them. I've been busy lately, and the focus just hasn't been where it needs to be to get results. So there, blah.

I really have to be honest with myself. Yes, maybe no one else will know that I ate a cookie in the car, but I know, and my body knows it too. Who am I trying to fool, anyhow? I really have to face the reality of what I'm taking in vs. what I'm putting out. There are no shortcuts.

On top of my malaise, I've had this persistent headache for about the last week. It's on the left side of my head, and really annoying. Even more than usual, I don't feel like exercising, and it's not helping much with that whole dynamic.

Is that enough whining yet?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

    I know what you mean about losing focus! This last week for me has been a total struggle to focus. Lots of "life" going on makes it hard to not be distracted.

    Let's both start a fresh new week tomorrow, and flex our Focus Muscles! LOL!

