Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maybe Kristy would write more?

Sorry I haven't written much lately. Work has been VERY busy lately, so it just is sucking the life out of me. On a positive note, the exercising is going well this week. I just can't believe how gratifying it is to actually be able to jog, even a little bit. I really didn't think I was capable of it. And it definitely makes me sweat a lot more--that has to be good for something, doesn't it?

On the down side, I realized this week that I have cankles. Who makes these words up? I actually had to look this up the other day online. I have always had really heavy legs, and a smaller upper body, so the condition isn't anything recent. What is recent is realizing that so many people have noticed this character flaw that it has its own name.

So weird, even though I know my legs are not my best feature, that I'm depressed to be officially "diagnosed" by popular media. Maybe I'm in deep denial, but I've had my fat body for most of my life, and in some ways I feel like I think of nothing else, and in other way (like cankles), I don't think about it much at all--just have accepted it. I think the condition itself doesn't bother me as much as other peoples' cruelty about it. Yup, that's it I think.

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