Monday, May 3, 2010


Being stubborn can have its advantages some days...yesterday, I was bound and determined to start an 8 week program I found that alternates walking/jogging. So I came home to the treadmill, wanting to watch a program on the computer while I was doing this, and guess what? No internet. OK, plan B...I'll listen to some music on the computer. Guess what? This weird computer is not giving me any sound. AAAK! So I go into my room to do a video instead. Guess what? The video I wanted to do isn't there. Yikes. So I did one I didn't want to do instead. Guess what? I got interrupted by my naughty child. So I took a break, reset the internet, then got back on the treadmill. And people wonder why it's so hard to exercise? (Note, though, I was very happy I finally did it.) And I'm going to do it again.


  1. Awesome job! I can "hear" the determination in your words.

  2. Oh my stars!! You are super determined. I may have decided to curl up on the couch with a Hershy
