Thursday, March 4, 2010

No tooth fairy for me!

Sadly enough, my troubled tooth had to be removed. What a gross process. Needless to say, I won't be getting any presents from the tooth fairy--I think she only likes nice, well-behaved teeth from little children. So I've spent the last couple of days popping ibuprofen and drinking smooothies. I guess it's good from the weight loss perspective because all the grossness has really cut my appetite, and eating is uncomfortable, so there you are--always a silver lining here!

Close on the heels of my dental drama, I had to go to a pre-existing appointment with my endo for the thyroid followup. In general, I was really happy with this appointment. First, my doc actually noticed and sounded encouraging about my weight loss so far. This is the same doc that recommended lap band or the off-label use of a diabetic drug for weight loss. So I'm glad she's on board with my approach--it will make things a lot easier, especially if she understands that slow loss is still OK. All my numbers looked good as far as the thyroid is concerned. My blood pressure was a little on the high side, but she felt confident that it would go down with the weight loss and exercise. I really want to go back to the "Thyroid Diet" book and refresh my recollection on her recommendations.

Well, too many medical procedures in one week if you ask me. The down side is that it's thrown a monkey wrench in my exercising routine for the last couple of days. The upside is that my eating has slowed way down, so maybe it will even out. As I always do, I weighed myself this morning, and will do so Saturday and Sunday, then pick the lowest weight of the three. This morning was not bad. 264.4. We'll see if I can improve on that number over the weekend.


  1. So sorry about the tooth, but glad to hear you found the silver lining!! :)

  2. Ouch! Sorry about the tooth! Smoothies sound yummy, though :)
